Kings of Leon's show in Swansea, at Liberty Stadium sold 18,000 tickets. We here at Kings of Leon Live aren't surprised!

Although some would be surprised, we were not! Those who have been lucky enough to see KOL live (now or in the past) will tell you they are surprised they aren't all sold out within a few minutes! With a capacity of 25,000 at the Liberty Stadium, they are sure to sell out soon!
We were lucky enough to be able to see the Chicago show (pictured above) so we know fans are in for an unbelievable experience! Not only is the screen huge but what they show on it is crazy! This has to be our personal favorite stage setup, and close to our all time KOL gig. We have been to a lot of shows so that is saying something!
The huge screen, top shelf speakers with Kings of Leon coming out of them, not to mention some kind of foam coming out of the sky (during Cold Desert) made for one hell of a concert!! The feelings we had were one of a close relationship with band and fans alike! KOL fans are kinda a close group of people! Everyone is always friendly with each other! In fact, some guy in the front row gave one of the guest helpers a $100 bill and told him to buy beers for the guys in the row behind us. We were the center and about half way back. We were all amazed and a bit confused as well! So, the people in that row did the same for some people that were in the very back. Makes us wonder if this continued to the rest of the stadium?
Maybe we should start a kol tradition like this? Each row takes a collection, picks a row and sends them a beer greeting! That would be so cool to start...wouldn't it? Hopefully we will be joining the boys in Indianapolis at the Klipsch Music center or at Red Rocks in Colorado. We missed out on the show we were gonna see there so maybe we will get tickets and make the 18 hour drive again? If you are gonna be at any of the above shows, let us know so we can arrange a meetup or at least we can buy you a drink!
This is gonna be a great summer full of Kings of Leon shows! Make sure you get to one of their shows before Caleb decides to break off on his own and do that country album! lol You will regret not going if he does though! You also might miss your chance of seeing the best band out there today! And that would be no different than missing a Pearl Jam or Nirvana show back in the 90's. You don't want to miss this!!! I promise you they are that good! And if you are someone who doesn't know more than a few KOL songs, then I want you to listen to Cold Desert, fans, knocked up, milk, back down south and arizona. KOL has so much more to offer than just "use somebody" and "sex on fire!" You will fall in love with the band like we have!
Also, don't be one of those people living for tomorrow! Why people are so worried about the crap they are gonna do when they are old, is beyond me! No matter how much money you save and things you have when you are 80, I bet you will regret not doing all the things you wanted to do today! You have to take the time today, to do the things you want to do or you will burn yourself out and life won't be near as fun!
SOOO, Make yourself happy and join us at a show! And get yourself an AHA SHAKE Tshirt! AHA SHAKE and YOUNGFOLLOWILL tees here
Coming soon,. AHA SHAKE pillow cases and more