We love Kings of Leon

Thursday, June 16, 2011

More news on the tour pass we won as 2nd place in the Road to Slane Castle contest

 I am sorry but this really sucks!!! I received an email with more info on the KOL tour pass we won! Sasha from pop2life, who is handling the contest, told me she talked to MTV & RCA and they said I had to send in a list of the shows I planned on attending in advance and if I miss 3 of those shows the pass will be voided!
   It is really hard to plan ahead and put shows down that you plan on going to when you don't have the gas money to get to them!
 I don't care about having a hotel cause we will sleep in our car and bring food or eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds but we do need gas to get there!
  The tickets are not transferable or I would give them away and at least feel good knowing someone was able to enjoy the shows!

 I know there are people who have it a lot worse off than us and that's why I understand people not helping us out!

Due to the economy and the rich elite playing with the stock market and not caring if they lose anything because they know that they are "too big to fail"

The list below is what I lost!

   It is because of them that I cannot use my skills as a carpenter!
   It is because of them that I now have to work at Walmart where I only make a little over minimum!
   It is because of them that I cannot afford to use this tour pass!
   It is because of them that I cannot support my wife (and best friend) like she deserves!
   It is because of them that I have to put a damn donation button on my blog and hope someone has been in our shoes before and has a little extra cash to help a nice couple out with their dream!

But it is because of my FATHER I know I will be ok if I don't get to use the tour pass!

Thank you again to the woman who sent us $10 dollars! If nothing else comes out of this, I will have the knowledge that there is others out there who have walked in our shoes and struggled at one time like we are and decided to help us! That means more to me then she will ever know!

Thank you to all 2 of you who read this! haha


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